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Home Version 
Nancy Yamin
A great game to play with any age and any number of dogs! Modify it to suit your needs. With two children and one dog, for example, I would start the first round having each child pick one cue and then perform those cues. The second round they would each pick two cues, then three, etc. If you want to play for a winner then each round performed correctly may earn one point.
Items Needed:    Cue Cards and a bowl
Optional Items:   Prizes
How to Play: Print out the cues from links above (preferably on heavy paper) and cut them out. Place the cues in a dog bowl or bag.
Directions: Each person picks the same number of cues. They may then look at their cues and place them in any order they like.  The smiley face is a blank may be used for any cue, even one of their own, a special trick or anything. Then each person performs their cues in a sequence in the order they placed them.
Cues Included: Sit, Down, Stand, Stay, Come, Heel, Leave It, Watch and Touch. You may also add additional cues or any tricks the dogs have learned such as Turn Around, Back Up, etc.
Increasing the Difficulty:
-          Add more difficult cues
-          Use more Cue Cards per person
-     If  the age or skill level varies, you may vary the number of cues used by each person by using  your age minus 5, for example. This way a ten year old picks 5 cues  and an 8 year picks 3. Or they can pick half their age.
-          Tell players that they may only say their cue word one time
-          Have the players use hand signals only
-     Use more difficult sequences such as walk around your dog, weave through legs, sit while you continue to walk, etc.
© 2010 Nancy Yamin

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