Dog Obedience Games
Dog Obedience Games
Dog Obedience Games
Games for Home

This category includes games from the other sections that have been revised to play in a home setting. Playing games with your dog is such a great way to bond while also provding the mental and physical stimulation your dog needs! Go ahead and try some of these and please, let us know what you think!



Mind Your P's and Cues Home Version

By Nancy Yamin - A fun game for any level, any number of dogs, and any number of humans!


Add A Cue Home Version

By Nancy Yamin - This is a great game to play with any age, any number of people and any number of dogs. Each person adds one cue onto the previously performed cues. May be modified to fit all skill levels.


Copyright 2012 Dog Obedience Games

"Last night the Basic Cues and Manners Class played "Mind Your P's and Cues". They had just learned STAY and LEAVE IT in their fifth week of class.  It was a welcome change in pace to the normal learning pattern.


My assistant said "they LOVE this!"  What we noticed was that people were very busy and interacting positively with their dogs making a huge difference, of course, to the responses they were getting. The dogs were engaged because the people were engaged.

It was fun seeing how they put their cues together to present to class and it also gave me, the instructor, a chance to see where they need help.

~ Diane Garrod